Please go to our calendar under events to review available and unavailable dates for rental of Weilmunster Park. You can change the view of the calendar to month for ease of use. Several events re-occur yearly and those dates may not be available in future years. The 2021 Weilmunster Park Rules and Regulations, along with contract information are available in the Events tab.
All Water at Weilmunster Park is NON-POTABLE and for Park Maintenance and Irrigation ONLY.
The Garden Valley Recreation District was formed in May 2000 according to the procedures outlined in the Idaho Code. The primary impetus to form the new district was based on an expressed community need to develop a new community park.
The initial Board of Directors was appointed by Governor Kempthorne in June 2000 and included Jamie Anderson, Steve Groff and Laree Jones. The size of the board was later increased from three members to five.
The Board established the Mission of the Garden Valley Recreation District as follows: to enhance the quality of life for district residents by working in partnership to foster and enrich healthy community environments, protect recreational access and promote activities.
The Board of Directors is an elected, policy setting body with legal authority as provided by Idaho Code. They are primarily responsible for the overall direction and management of the district, and any personnel and services that are delivered by the district.
Due to limited funds, the District employs no staff, relying on the Board, volunteers, contract labor and professional services to implement any programs, services or projects. The Board has developed relationships with a variety of other public and private organizations to assist the district in carrying out its mission and providing facilities and services to district residents.
To volunteer your time or make donations to help make these park improvements a reality, please contact the recreation district at: park@gvrecdistrict.org.
For information on resolution district map here is a PDF.
For information on subdistrict boundaries here is a PDF.